Monday, December 21, 2015

Cyber Chip

This year, the BSA is requiring all scouts earn the Cyber Chip.  This is to encourage internet safety. As fourth graders, I am sure you are all using computers more than ever and the BSA has established the Cyber Chip to help you stay safe while online.  Here are all the resources you need to complete the Cyber Chip:

The Cyber Chip Worksheet

The Scout Law and Online Safety

The Netsmartz Website

The whole process takes about an hour.

Try to get the Cyber Chip information covered over Christmas break. If you complete the Cyber Chip, just let me know so you can get credit for it.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Duty to God

A Scout is Reverent.  

This is one of the 12 points of the Scout Law. Being reverent to God is part of our Duty to God. Reverence is when we go to worship and when we pray before meals. 

As scouts we promise to "Do our Duty to God and our Country". What is our Duty to God. There is not exactly one answer. It is telling someone about God. It is also living in a way that honors God. We can honor God by helping at our place of worship.  We can honor God by helping other people.  We can also honor God by thanking Him for everything he has given us. We should also remember that people of different faiths worship and honor God in different ways. We also honor God by respecting each other in the way that we worship. One other point of the Scout Law is "a Scout is Clean".  This means more than washing your hands and keeping your body clean on the outside. Your Duty to God is to keep your self clean on the inside. Keeping your mind and spirit clean honors God.

Pastor Jude from Windover Hills will be guiding us in out Duty to God this year at our December 9th meeting. This is a Class A event