Friday, November 13, 2015

Into the Woods

In this adventure we discussed different tree types and they ways that we use wood. A guide to Pennsylvania's Trees can be downloaded here - Pennsylvania's Trees

As a Boy Scout you can earn the Forestry Merit Badge. You can see the Forestry Merit Badge Pamphlet by clicking in the merit badge. Earning the Into the Woods Adventure Pin prepares you for this merit badge when you are a Boy Scout. 

We can protect our forests by practicing Leave No Trace and by following the Outdoor Code.

Our forests are sometimes damaged by wildfires and disease.

In the past, American Chestnut trees almost completely disappeared due to disease.

Dutch Elm Disease killed almost all the elm trees that once shaded our neighborhoods,

Recently and visible in our park is the damage inflicted by the Emerald Ash Borer. This is a beetle that eats its way under the bark of ash trees and very effectively kills them. Most of the ash trees in our area have succumb to the Emerald Ash Borer. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Webelos Camping Adventure

This year, one of the Arrow of Light requirements is the Camper Adventure. To earn this pin the scout must accomplish many things and it ties together skills and knowledge from previous experiences. As scouts we have the opportunity each summer to go to Heritage Reservation for overnight camp. As Webelos we are able to camp as a patrol. It is important to know how to plan for a camp out. 

Planning for a camp out includes: meals, activities and what to do in an emergency. 

Severe weather is something you need to be prepared for.

This is the cover of the Boy Scout Camping Merit Badge Pamphlet. This is the guidebook for Boy Scouts to use to earn their Camping Merit Badge. 

The Camping Adventure Pin starts to prepare the Webelos for the more rigorous Boy Scout camping.

An important skill for the Camper Pin is the Bowline Knot. Here is an illustration on how to tie the Bowline. This is a knot that every scout needs to know.